Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lookin Like a FOOL with Your Pants on the Ground

Mr. Larry Platt is too real for America. I really respect truth speakers and he is a wise one for sure! On American Idol last night at the end of an hour and half long show, "General" Larry Platt stepped in front of the judges and presented them with a predicament: what were they gonna make of this geriatric entertainer? Sure enough, Larry brought something deeply amazing to the table. He reminded hoodlum-looking boys to pull up their pants. It is not, nor has ever been cute for a male to have his pants sagging down to his ankles. Larry put it all out on there when he proclaimed, "Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground. Lookin like a FOOL with your pants on the ground." My goodness.

When Larry first busted out with these lyrics I went into cardiac arrest and I laughed until I ached...and then I ached until I cried. Finally, someone had called out to the men of the world and reminded them that their beauty didn't lie in their ability to wear sagging pants. That instead of looking like hot mess productions, they could look fine without all of that.

Better yet, he was completely earnest. He had this soft, raspy voice and was even kind enough to ask the judges' permission to sing by saying "Ok, you ready?" We weren't ready but Larry came on through for us anyway. He said, "With the gold in yo mouth, hat turned sideways, pants hit the ground, call yourself a cool cat, lookin like a FOOOOOL walkin downtown with your pants on the ground. GET YO PANTS OFF THE GROUND!!!!" As if that wasn't enough he continued by dropping what he had down to the ground in a split formation. I can't do a split. I'm 19. He's 62. How does he do it? I think it's because he's a passionate man with a whole lot of fire within him. And because he has great genes.

In reality I'm not surprised that someone like him could offer this wake-up call to Americans. Who else but a man wearing sunglasses indoors and a black pride sweatbands could deliver this kind of deliciousness? The zaniness of his movements and his presentation speak volumes but the message itself is so real that it's painfully humorous. He's right. Get your pants off the ground. We all deserve to look respectable and Mr. Larry hit the nail on the head. Now every time I encounter people with this style, I can envision his words and feel justified asking myself "what's up with that?"